
*Previous Reg CF offerings. This includes offerings conducted on different terms from the current offering. Please see the offering document for additional information.

“We would like to lay a foundation for the creation of Artificial General Intelligence and smash the current oligopolistic system of a few large companies basically owning all the AI.” 
Archil Cheishvili
CEO @ GenesisAI

deal highlights

  • Harvard alumni. Work experience at Salesforce and Bridgewater Associates.
  • Globally recognized investors and advisors with multi-billion-dollar exits, including former Dean of MIT Engineering and Harvard/MIT professors.
  • $4.8 million previously raised from 4,200+ investors.
  • The market for AI services is estimated to reach $2.8 trillion by 2030.
  • If we achieve our vision, we believe GenesisAI has the potential to become one of the most valuable technologies of all time.
  • A global AI network that just works.


Archil Cheishvili
CEO & Business Development
Economics, Harvard University. Previous experience at Bridgewater Associates. Serial entrepreneur. Recognized by media outlets including the New York Post, Forbes, and Yahoo Finance.
Mina Pascalito Nassif
Engineering & Product
PhD in Applied Physics, MS in Computational Science and Engineering both from Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Published multiple scientific papers and raised over $1 million in research grants.

Artiom Bell
Senior Software Engineer
Software Engineer at Salesforce for 5 years Previously Software Engineer at American Express B.S in Computer Engineering.
Mohamed Al-Khawam
Senior Software Engineer
Full-stack Engineer at Larsa. Front-end Engineer at Mirsal.


Professor Thomas Magnanti
Former Dean of Engineering, MIT
Institute Professor, MIT
Former Dean of Engineering at MIT. Institute Professor. Founding Director of the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART).
Neil Flanzraich
Lead Independent Director, Chipotle
Former President of Ivax Corporation
Lead Independent Director of Chipotle. Former President of Ivax Corporation (acq. by Teva for $10B). Executive Committee member of Syntex Corporation (sold to Roche Holdings for $5.3 B).

Travis May
CEO, Datavant
Founder & CEO, LiveRamp
Former CEO of LiveRamp (acq. by Acxiom for $310 mil). CEO of Datavant. Forbes 30 Under 30.
Andy Wu
Assistant Professor, Harvard Business School
Assistant Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School in Strategy unit. Ph.D. in Applied Economics from The Wharton School. S.B from MIT.
Ed Simnett
Former Head of Product Strategy, Microsoft
MBA from Harvard Business School, previously Director of strategy and business development at Nokia. Operating Partner, Battery Road Digital
Professor Elie Ofek
Professor, Harvard Business School
PhD in Business Administration, Stanford
Professor of Business Administration in the Marketing unit at Harvard Business School. Development engineer at IBM Research.


“GenesisAI is fighting back against AI oligopolies by creating the first, open access, marketplace of AI that does not exclude or discriminate against anyone. Its benefits will be shared by all.”
-Neil Flanzraich
Investor in GenesisAI. Lead Independent Director of Chipotle. Former President of Ivax Corporation (acq. by Teva for $10B). Executive Committee Member of Syntex Corporation (sold to Roche Holdings for $5.3 B).


When we were developing Palatine Analytics (a startup selling AI-powered employee performance monitoring systems), we learned that AI development is hindered by these fundamental problems:

  • AI development is expensive.
  • Independent AI developers can neither monetize nor share their code.
  • Today, there are only around 10,000 AI developers in the world. Most companies cannot afford to hire their own team of AI engineers to create in-house AIs, nor do they have enough technical capabilities to correctly determine from which open-source APIs to grab existing AI code.

Astoundingly, there is no way for AIs to exchange data, learn from each other, leverage their capabilities, and trade services — let alone judge the quality of AIs (there is no reputation system). AIs are operating in a closed environment.


So we built GenesisAI.

GenesisAI is a Machine Learning protocol. On top of this protocol, we are building a marketplace for AI products and services. The marketplace, which includes a built-in reputation system, may connect companies in need of AI services, data, and models with companies interested in monetizing their AI tech. Initially, GenesisAI was focused on the asset management space.


The AI service market is projected to reach $2.8 trillion by 2030 (Transparency Market Research, 2021).

Companies want this.

We launched the GenesisAI product and are generating revenue. We have around 2,000 registered users on the platform. Over 35 AI models deployed.

why invest?

All in all, if you believe in supporting our mission, join us and help us enable anyone in the world to access AI.

  • Large corporations may no longer be the only entities able to develop and utilize AI. We believe in making AI accessible: “for the people, by the people.”
  • By linking AI services with each other and increasing the supply of AI services, GenesisAI may provide a web platform that offers low-cost AI services. This may make AI technology more efficient and affordable for businesses.
  • Our technology may enable different AIs to communicate with each other, exchange data and trade services. Anyone may develop and purchase AI services.

Invest to help us further develop our promising technology. The time is now.

frequently asked questions

What does your company do?
We allow you to buy that top-of-the-line natural language processing technology that your company always wanted rather than building it yourself. You don't need a team of AI experts to use AI to your advantage -- just buy the software on our marketplace. We provide an efficiency boost to the market as a whole by making AI accessible and usable for numerous various-sized businesses.
Where will your company be in 5 years?
We hope to abstract beyond the technical expertise needed to implement AI and allow companies with no technical knowledge to tap into the benefits of this wonderful technology. Our goal is to get rid of an oligopolistic system where a few large tech companies hold a strong majority of the AI industry, and we hope to be significantly closer to this vision in five years.
Why did you choose this idea?
We would like to lay a foundation for the creation of Artificial General Intelligence and smash the current oligopolistic system of a few large companies basically owning all the AI.
How do you make money?
We plan to provide the protocol that allows people to make transactions on the platform, and we plan to take a small percentage of the transaction value. Our revenue forecasts are based on a transaction fee of 30%, which is likely to be the final value we will charge. This charge is very low if we compare it with how much money you would spend in marketing to get the same transaction volume you are getting on GenesisAI.
Can you make an example of AI interoperability (when you say that simple AI services can be combined to perform more complex services?
Say Node A (a hotel) pays Node B to get a summary of customer behavior depending on different variables and recommendations to increase the customer base. Node B can pay Node C for a service that uses pattern recognition to recognize the hotel's customer behavior and customer pain points. After receiving the output from Node C, Node B can use the input from Node C to come up with promotions that address the main pain points.
How do you solve privacy issues (companies not wanting to send sensitive data)?
Data will be encrypted in a way that machine learning code developers can still use it to train their codes without accessing sensitive information. No sensitive information will be shared with developers.
How will you use the capital you raise?
Our top priority is to build robust technology. The team plans to scale the platform as we expect the number of customers to quickly rise, requiring us to invest in scalable IT infrastructure. Our second priority is dealing with sales & marketing and spending all the resources that are necessary to find the best AI services, data providers, and clients.
When do you expect to generate revenues?
We are generating revenue. People want what we are building as we provide the value which is clearly communicated with users. Our detailed revenue forecast until 2025 can be found in our slide deck (attached), though projections are not guaranteed.
What is Artificial Intelligence?
In simple words, Artificial Intelligence is an area of computer science that tries to simulate human behavior in a machine. This concept is revolutionary because it starts from the assumption that a well-functioning AI code won’t need any human direction. For example, if we run a big amount of online data to generate a market research on a particular industry, we won’t have to tell the code which trends to analyze, but the code will recognize the trends for us.
What problem does GenesisAI solve?
There is no communication between AIs; there is no way for AIs to exchange data, trade services, learn from each other, or expand their own capabilities. We match unused resources (in-house developed AIs and open-source Github AI code) with companies in need of these resources. The connector of these two parties may unlock trillions of dollars in market value.
Why is your team uniquely qualified to solve this problem?
We believe our team has the right mix of what it takes to solve this problem: Founders studied at Harvard and have work experience in the AI industry and in companies like Bridgewater. Our advisor board includes advisors with multi-billion-dollar exits, and professors from Harvard and MIT.
What is the difference between AI and beneficial Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)?
Artificial General Intelligence is the final goal of everyone that works in the AI space. Narrow Artificial Intelligence is a code that performs a certain task, like image or speech recognition, which are two tasks typical of the human brain. AGI would come from the combination of all these narrow tasks, with the ultimate goal of creating a mastermind (the AGI) that is able to perform any task that our brain is able to perform (and more).
Why would companies not buy services directly from sellers’ websites? Why do they need us?
By using our services, we expect companies will have access to a number of services that are currently out of their reach for network reasons, geographic reasons, or other reasons. When they access the marketplace, they can search for the service they want, and our system is designed to couple them with some existing provider, similar to how Uber matches drivers and riders. This system prevents companies from skipping us, because we plan to couple them with the service provider, and we anticipate they will rely on our platform to evaluate service quality and choose the most appropriate service from a numerous set of services.
How do you guarantee liquidity to equity investors?
We anticipate our first years of operations will focus on organic growth, revenue stabilization, and achieving breakeven. When these goals are achieved, we hope to start thinking about liquidity events that may be able to give investors the opportunity, if they want, to generate sizable returns (but cannot guarantee that).

Video Transcripts

  • Here are the transcripts for the videos featured on this offering page. 

Use of Proceeds

If the offering's maximum amount of $3,044,972 is raised:

UseValue% of Proceeds
Unallocated Funds$0less than 0.1%
Payroll/reasearch and development$1,611,59552.9%
Sales and Marketing$1,070,00035.1%
Intermediary fees$149,2044.9%


This number includes all funds raised by the Company in this round on Netcapital. This is an offering of Class A Common Stock, under registration exemption 4(a)(6), in Thoughtstorm dba Kwilith. This offering must reach its target of at least $10,000 by its offering deadline of August 31, 2023 at 11:59pm ET. If this offering does not reach its target by the offering deadline, then your money will be refunded.

If the offering is successful at raising the maximum amount, then the company’s implied valuation after the offering (sometimes called its post-money valuation) will be:

$4.25 per share
$207,882,056implied valuation

Pitch Deck


Kwilith’s official name is Thoughtstorm, so that’s the name that appears in the statements below.

These financial statements have been audited by an independent Certified Public Accountant.

SEC Filings

The Offering Statement is a formal description of the company and this transaction. It’s filed with the SEC to comply with the requirements of exemption 4(a)(6) of the Securities Act of 1933.

We’re also required to share links to each of the SEC filings related to this offering with investors.

Understand the Risks

Be sure to understand the risks of this type of investment. No regulatory body (not the SEC, not any state regulator) has passed upon the merits of or given its approval to the securities, the terms of the offering, or the accuracy or completeness of any offering materials or information posted herein. That’s typical for Regulation CF offerings like this one.

Neither Netcapital nor any of its directors, officers, employees, representatives, affiliates, or agents shall have any liability whatsoever arising from any error or incompleteness of fact or opinion in, or lack of care in the preparation or publication of, the materials and communication herein or the terms or valuation of any securities offering.

The information contained herein includes forward-looking statements. These statements relate to future events or to future financial performance, and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, that may cause actual results to be materially different from any future results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements since they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, which are, in some cases, beyond the company’s control and which could, and likely will, materially affect actual results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements. Any forward-looking statement reflects the current views with respect to future events and is subject to these and other risks, uncertainties, and assumptions relating to operations, results of operations, growth strategy, and liquidity. No obligation exists to publicly update or revise these forward-looking statements for any reason, or to update the reasons actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements, even if new information becomes available in the future.

More Info


  • Sep 1, 2023
    Primary offering finalized, selling 86,394 shares
    Sold 86,394 shares at $4.25 for a total of $367,174.50
  • Jul 5, 2023
    Happy Independence Day

    Happy Independence Day

  • Jun 30, 2023
  • Jun 28, 2023
    We are continuing our series of blog posts...

    We are continuing our series of blog posts regarding AI and robotics. Today, I am excited to share our latest blog post, which delves into the world of Miso Robotics, a company revolutionizing the food and beverage industry with its AI solutions:

    Miso Robotics specializes in creating robots capable of cooking, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning. We invite you to read the full blog post here to gain a deeper understanding of how AI is used in robotics.

    Invest in GenesisAI today. The time is now:

  • Jun 23, 2023
    Dear GenesisAI Community, 1. Software Engineer...

    Dear GenesisAI Community,

    1. Software Engineer Wanted

    First and foremost, we’re growing our team! We’re currently on the hunt for a talented and passionate Software Engineer to join us on our mission to revolutionize the AI industry.

    To make this even more enticing, we’re offering a $2,000 referral bonus if we successfully hire your recommended candidate.

    1. Progress Update on Our Upcoming Tool

    We are making considerable progress in developing an innovative tool that we’re incredibly excited about. We anticipate launching this tool sometime next month.

    1. By investing in GenesisAI, you’ll be directly supporting our ambitious goal of transforming the AI landscape.

    Investing is now easier than ever before. You can make your investment directly on our Netcapital page here:

  • Jun 8, 2023
  • May 25, 2023
    GenesisAI advances to the quarter-final at the...

    GenesisAI advances to the quarter-final at the 2023 Most Fundable Companies competition organized by Pepperdine Most Fundable Companies. Last year over 4,000 companies participated; so, I am happy to announce that GenesisAI reached a quarter-final.

    Invest in GenesisAI! We added over 400 investors in this round ($330k+ raised).

  • Apr 27, 2023
    GenesisAI got featured on Benzinga - discussing...

    GenesisAI got featured on Benzinga - discussing the state of AI market and mentions what role GenesisAI plays in helping businesses to integrate AI tools.

    “Businesses around the globe are desperate to integrate AI into their existing business models, but supply is scarce. That’s why GenesisAI is building a marketplace made to help any business integrate AI into their existing model, and it’s raising millions from retail investors to make it happen” - Benzinga.

    Invest in GenesisAI | Over $5M raised

    Disclaimer: This is intended only for the recipient(s) named above. The information may be confidential and/or privileged and is intended only for the recipient(s) named above. Benzinga has been compensated by GenesisAI. The rate paid by the issuer for this content through Benzinga costs $2500 for Landing Page + ($5 CPC for Traffic).

  • Apr 27, 2023
  • Apr 26, 2023
    We have raised around over $300k in the current...

    We have raised around over $300k in the current round since launching which brings our total raised on Netcapital to over $5M! I would like to welcome 358 new investors to GenesisAI family. I strongly believe that the more stakeholders we have stronger we are. I would like to also thank lots of our existing investors for reinvesting in GenesisAI and for continuing to believe in what we do. We are on track to accomplishing some of our major milestones. We are adding users on daily basis! Our goal is to build a product so good that it basically sells itself (through word of mouth).

    AI revolution is here! Invest today:

  • Apr 12, 2023
    I'm thrilled to announce our latest blog post:...

    I’m thrilled to announce our latest blog post: “SeedInvest Review,” where we dive deep into the popular equity crowdfunding platform and provide you with a comprehensive analysis.

    In this detailed review, we’ve explored:

    • An overview of SeedInvest and its role in the equity crowdfunding landscape.
    • The benefits of using SeedInvest for both investors and startups.
    • Much more.

    Click the link below to learn more:

    To join the AI revolution invest in GenesisAI today -

  • Apr 5, 2023
    Check out our latest blog post: "StartEngine...

    Check out our latest blog post: “StartEngine Review,” where we dive deep into the popular equity crowdfunding platform and provide you with a comprehensive analysis.

    In this detailed review, we’ve explored: an overview of StartEngine and its role in the equity crowdfunding landscape, the benefits of using StartEngine for both investors and startups, and much more. Click the link below to learn more: Invest in GenesisAI today:

  • Mar 23, 2023
    GenesisAI recently published an in-depth...

    GenesisAI recently published an in-depth article on our blog that you’ll find extremely helpful if you’re interested in investment opportunities, specifically related to the MicroVentures platform.

    The article, which you can read at delves into the world of equity crowdfunding and provides a comprehensive review of the Microventures platform.

    But that’s not all! As a valued GenesisAI community member, we would also like to encourage you to consider investing in GenesisAI, a cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence company with a potential for growth. You can learn more about this opportunity and make your investment through this link:

  • Mar 20, 2023
    I had a pleasure to be a guest at Just Not...

    I had a pleasure to be a guest at Just Not Giving Up Podcast. We discussed insights on the latest advancements in AI technology and natural language processing and revealed the secrets behind how ChatGPT was trained to become one of the most advanced language models in the world. We also take a closer look at the ethical implications of AI, discussing the potential impact on society as these technologies continue to evolve.

    You can access the podcast on Spotify here -

    Invest in GenesisAI today -

  • Mar 15, 2023
    We got a few questions from our stakeholders...

    We got a few questions from our stakeholders whether Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) collapse affected us or not. We want to inform you that GenesisAI has not been impacted by the evolving situation at Silicon Valley Bank or other Banks.

    We are staying focused on growing our revenue, increasing number of users, and improving our product!

    To a better future powered by AI!

    To invest or re-invest in GenesisAI visit here


  • Mar 9, 2023
    I am excited to share with you a podcast that I...

    I am excited to share with you a podcast that I recently participated in, and I believe you will find it both informative and interesting. We are discussing experience building and scaling GenesisAI. The highlights of the podcast include insights into the challenges of developing an AI platform, the importance of building a strong team, and the potential for AI to revolutionize various industries.

    The podcast is available for you to listen here -

    I had a great time participating in this podcast, and I think you will enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed being a part of it.

    To join the AI revolution invest in GenesisAI today -

  • Feb 21, 2023
  • Feb 8, 2023
    GenesisAI and Graze, recently hosted a webinar...

    GenesisAI and Graze, recently hosted a webinar to delve into the transformative impact of artificial intelligence on the business world and our daily lives. During the webinar, we provided valuable insights and engaging discussions on the topic, exploring the various ways AI is shaping the future. For those who missed the live event, the recording is now available for viewing here -

    If you are interested in investing in the future of AI, GenesisAI presents a unique opportunity. You can learn more and invest in the company on NetCapital, at By investing in GenesisAI, you are supporting a company that is at the forefront of AI innovation and making a contribution in shaping the future.

  • Feb 3, 2023
    We got a few questions about why we are raising...

    We got a few questions about why we are raising an equity crowdfunding round and why on Netcapital. In this blog post, we discuss how can anyone invest in fast-growing AI startups online via equity crowdfunding and review different platforms.

    Blog post - To join the AI revolution invest in GenesisAI today -

  • Jan 30, 2023
    GenesisAI and Graze will be hosting a webinar...

    GenesisAI and Graze will be hosting a webinar on February 3rd at 1 pm ET about how AI is transforming the way we work.

    We will also provide exciting updates to GenesisAI community members and discuss what we are expecting from AI in 2023.

    Reserve your spot now -

    P.S to invest in GenesisAI

    We will win!

  • Jan 25, 2023
    We got a few questions how to receive update...

    We got a few questions how to receive update and stay engaged in GenesisAI community. We prioritize Discord for updates and answer all the questions there. Discord is a group messaging platform ideal for large communities. If you have not joined us already here is an invite link to join GenesisAI discussions on discord -

    In order to invest in GenesisAI - visit here -

    We shall prevail!

  • Jan 25, 2023
  • Jan 24, 2023
    We will be hosting a webinar with Graze on...

    We will be hosting a webinar with Graze on February 3rd at 1 pm ET. Join us!

    Widespread worker shortages and our changing relationship to work has created an urgent need for automation in industries like commercial landscaping. Join CEOs, John Vlay and Archil Cheishvili for a discussion on how today’s technology start-ups are using AI to fill the gaps in hopes of transforming entire industries. Reserve your spot now

  • Jan 19, 2023
    AI is probably the most transformational tech...

    AI is probably the most transformational tech that the world has ever seen. McKinsey report recently came out that shows that AI adoption among corporations more than doubled since 2017. About a quarter of respondents in the McKinsey survey report that at least 5 percent of their organizations’ EBIT was attributable to AI in 2021.

    We are planning to ride on the rising AI adoption and our goal is to become the go-to place for all things AI.

    If you believe that AI is the future, invest in GenesisAI today.

    Report link -

  • Jan 19, 2023
  • Jan 13, 2023
    We have raised around over $200k in the current...

    We have raised around over $200k in the current round since launching which brings our total raised on Netcapital to over $4M! I would like to welcome 264 new investors to GenesisAI family. I strongly believe that the more stakeholders we have stronger we are. I would like to also thank lots of our existing investors for reinvesting in GenesisAI and for continuing to believe in what we do. We are on track to accomplishing some of our major milestones. We are adding users and substantially improving our technology. Our goal is to build a product so good that it basically sells itself (through word of mouth).

    AI revolution is here! Invest today:

    Cheers, Archie Cheishvili

  • Jan 12, 2023
  • Jan 4, 2023
    The buzz for generative AI has reached a fervor...

    The buzz for generative AI has reached a fervor the likes of which the Venture capital market hasn’t seen in a while according to Pitchbook. Generative AI can generate images, text, video, and so on. It has a variety of use cases. We would like to hear from our community members what are the use cases for Generative AI. We are especially interested in overlooked use cases. For example, using AI to generate text for homework might be relatively unique but using AI to generate images is not (as there are lots of companies doing it).

    To provide feedback visit here -

    Invest in GenesisAI!

    Cheers, Archie

  • Jan 1, 2023
    Dear GenesisAI community, The GenesisAI team...

    Dear GenesisAI community,

    The GenesisAI team wishes you a bright New Year. Let 2023 be a year of happiness and a year of many victories!

    In 2022, together, we have achieved a lot and we are moving forward in 2023. I would like to thank each one of our community members for their support.

    We shall prevail!

    Happy New Year,


    Archie Cheishvili

  • Dec 24, 2022
    Dear GenesisAI community, May this Christmas...

    Dear GenesisAI community,

    May this Christmas end the present year on a cheerful note. May the New Year bring prosperity, happiness, and many new opportunities!

    Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a successful 2021!

    We will win! Invest in GenesisAI before the year ends! Archie

  • Dec 22, 2022
    I had the pleasure to be featured at They Got...

    I had the pleasure to be featured at They Got Acquired. I am discussing reasons why we chose to not only raise from VCs but also conduct large equity crowdfunding rounds. Here is a quote:

    “We wanted to share ownership with regular people and not just people who had lots of money and lots of connections” - Archie Cheishvili.

    To see the article -

    Invest in GenesisAI!

  • Dec 16, 2022
    OpenAI released ChatGPT which is #1 AI-powered...

    OpenAI released ChatGPT which is #1 AI-powered chatbot that can write code with you and answer large portion of questions better than humans can. ChatGPT is an evidence of how well AI is working today and how it will automate (almost fully) customer service, code development, and so on.

    We are currently looking at ChatGPT and have a few banks interested to potentially help them substitute their chatbots with ChatGPT fine tuned to their use case (and its outputs being translated into their customer’s local languages).

    We are at the forefront of advancements in AI and hope to capitalize on it.

    If you believe that AI is the future, invest in GenesisAI today.

  • Dec 14, 2022
    There are a few equity crowdfunding...

    There are a few equity crowdfunding platforms.

    And not all of them are created equal.

    StartEngine has major pros and cons.

    If you would like to know, check our review here:

    PS: if you believe in what we do and are interested to invest visit here:

    We will win!

    Archie Cheishvili

    Disclaimer: no financial advice has been given. Please do your own research before investing in any platform.

  • Dec 10, 2022
    On Dec 8th, we hosted a webinar. We made...

    On Dec 8th, we hosted a webinar. We made announcements and answered investor questions.

    Webinar link:

    If you would like to join us as an early investor visit here:

  • Dec 8, 2022
    GenesisAI is hosting a webinar this Thursday 12...

    GenesisAI is hosting a webinar this Thursday 12 pm ET. Registration is required. To register visit here -

    PS: if you believe in what we do and are interested to invest visit here:

    We will win!

    Archie Cheishvili

  • Dec 7, 2022
    This is a friendly reminder that GenesisAI and...

    This is a friendly reminder that GenesisAI and ChipBrain will be hosting a joint webinar about the future of AI. We will also be making tech announcements answer investor questions.

    Registration is required. To register visit here:

    To learn more:

    PS: if you believe in what we do and are interested to invest visit here:

    We will win!

    Archie Cheishvili

  • Dec 5, 2022
    Hello everyone! GenesisAI and ChipBrain invite...

    Hello everyone!

    GenesisAI and ChipBrain invite you to join Investor Demo Party. We will be making major tech announcements and discuss the present and the future of AI!

    Registration is required. To register visit here:

    To learn more:

    PS: if you believe in what we do and are interested to invest visit here:


  • Nov 30, 2022
    When it comes to investing, there are a lot of...

    When it comes to investing, there are a lot of options available. You can choose to invest in stocks, bonds, ETFs, and even private companies.

    There are a few things you should know before investing in private companies. Angel investors usually use 4 Tees when deciding whether to invest in a company. If you would like to learn more check the youtube video here

    PS: join over 4,200 fellow investors who invented in GenesisAI

  • Nov 21, 2022
    In today's video, we will review Netcapital and...

    In today’s video, we will review Netcapital and share pros and cons of investing on Netcapital.

    Check the video here:

    PS: if you believe in what we do and are interested to invest visit here:

  • Nov 11, 2022
    I had the pleasure to pitch GenesisAI to around...

    I had the pleasure to pitch GenesisAI to around 100 investors last week. The event was organized by one of the most active VCs: Plug and Play. They invest in approximately 250 startups each year. We received interest from investors and corporations from the event and hope to capitalize on it.

    The event was specifically focused on fintech; so, GenesisAI’s fintech-specific tools were a natural fit for the program:

    PS: we have been adding more investors. Join over 4,000 investors -

  • Nov 9, 2022
    GenesisAI's CEO will be attending Equity...

    GenesisAI’s CEO will be attending Equity Crowdfunding Conference in Los Angeles from Nov 9th to Nov 11th. This is probably the largest crowdfunding conference and we hope to meet some of our existing investors and new partners! If you are attending, definitely say hi. You can also tune in online.

    Check the conference link here:

    PS: if you believe in what we do and are interested to invest visit here:

  • Nov 7, 2022
  • Oct 31, 2022
    Last week's webinar recording is available. On...

    Last week’s webinar recording is available. On October 27th, Netcapital hosted a demo day. 100s of people were registered. We provided exciting announcements and answered many of the most important questions. I would like to thank lots of our community members who attended the demo day.

    Check the video here:

    PS: if you believe in what we do and are interested to invest visit here:

  • Oct 27, 2022
    What do you think is the future of the economy?...

    What do you think is the future of the economy? Tesla’s humanoid robot aims to have the single most important impact on the economy. One of the use cases of GenesisAI’s AI marketplace is robotics. So, we hope that Tesla’s humanoid robot will increase interest in AI tools for robotics which will benefit GenesisAI. To learn more about what Tesla Bot means for AI and the economy visit here: PS: If you believe that AI is the future invest in GenesisAI here

    #teslabot #TESLA


  • Oct 27, 2022
    GenesisAI will be presenting at the virtual...

    GenesisAI will be presenting at the virtual demo day organized by Netcapital TODAY at 4 pm ET. I will pitch the business and then answer questions from the community. Hope to see you there today.

    If you are interested in investing in AI, this is a great opportunity to learn how to join the AI revolution.

    More info:

    Register on the link below

  • Oct 24, 2022
    AI is transforming the world but how it is used...

    AI is transforming the world but how it is used in computer gaming on a daily basis? We are now in process of talking to potential customers to enter the gaming industry.

    ​​We are considering developing AI-powered solutions for the gaming industry.

    To find out what kind of use cases we are considering, check the video here:

    PS: If you believe that AI is the future invest in GenesisAI here

  • Oct 21, 2022
    GenesisAI will be presenting at the virtual...

    GenesisAI will be presenting at the virtual demo day organized by Netcapital. Would you be interested to join? Tune in for a live discussion with GenesisAI, currently raising on Netcapital. GenesisAI’s CEO will pitch the business and then answer questions from the community.

    If you are interested in investing in AI, this is a great opportunity to learn how to join the AI revolution.

    More info:

    Register on the link below

  • Oct 17, 2022
    AIs debating Youtube video. One of the most...

    AIs debating Youtube video. One of the most heated debate topics today is whether AI will destroy the world if/when it becomes super intelligent. This topic has been under discussion, many times, among GenesisAI community members. We made a video in which you will see two AIs debating against each other regarding whether the super AI will destroy the world.

    Check the video here:

    PS: Invest today before we close the round in around a month!

  • Oct 13, 2022
    Tech update. I am glad to see GenesisAI making...

    Tech update. I am glad to see GenesisAI making incredible progress on the tech side each day. We have completed a major feature that will ease the process of managing and deploying AI tools on our platform by our suppliers. This feature is helping developers to identify subscription plans and subscription products from the requests using PriceID and PlanID.

    Here is a youtube video: To use GenesisAI AI API marketplace: To invest in GenesisAI along with 4.2k+ fellow investors:

  • Oct 10, 2022
    GenesisAI has successfully received a trademark...

    GenesisAI has successfully received a trademark from the USPTO! It’s official (registration no. 6844307). This will provide great legal protection from different parties misusing the GenesisAI logo, name, and so on. Almost every major corporations have its own trademarks registered with USPTO. We are glad to join their ranks and increase the value of GenesisAI’s name and logo. We believe it is essential for us to succeed in our mission of allowing everyone in the world to use the power of AI. Hope you will join us on this journey if you have not already. Invest & Reinvest today.

  • Oct 4, 2022
    I am excited to announce that we are on G2! G2...

    I am excited to announce that we are on G2! G2 is a product discovery platform. We anticipate that it will be a great source of traffic and revenue for GenesisAI. If you have used our platform and would like to contribute to our revenue generation, leave a review on G2.

    Check GenesisAI on G2 here:

    PS: Invest today before we close the round soon

  • Sep 28, 2022
    Top 33 CEOs. I am honored to be named as United...

    Top 33 CEOs. I am honored to be named as United States’ top 33 CEOs in the hedge fund space alongside the CEO of Citadel - Kenneth Griffin by CEO Boardroom media. This shows how much value we have brought to investors using our AI-powered tools for the asset management space. I would like to thank CEO Boardroom for the recognition. Together, we have built a great product that solves real issues in the investing and trading space. We are having an impact and people are noticing. I would like to thank each of our community members for contributing to GenesisAI. Thank you for joining us in our mission to bring AI to the masses.

    Check the article here:

    PS: Invest today before we close the round

  • Sep 21, 2022
    We are thrilled to announce that we have...

    We are thrilled to announce that we have achieved a major milestone of allowing AI models to work together! Check out the live demo here: By allowing AI tools to work together we are increasing the functionality of what they can do. For example, we can have a text extraction model working with the article keywords model to output the list of major keywords of the text which is in the image format. This is going to save lots of engineering time as engineers will be able to super easily increase the functionality of their models without writing a single line of code! We envision a world where we will have 1000s of AI models interacting with each other - exchanging data and learning from each other. We believe that this is the best foundation for creating Artificial General Intelligence.

    To sign up: To invest:

    We shall prevail!

  • Sep 16, 2022
    Feedback on GenesisAI. Today, I would like to...

    Feedback on GenesisAI. Today, I would like to hear feedback from our community members. We would like to know what you like and dislike about GenesisAI and the way we communicate with you. Feedback is an integral part of our company’s culture. We want to hear what we should improve from our beloved community members.

    Complete the form here:

    PS: we are adding more and more investors. Invest today

  • Sep 12, 2022
    Top 100 CEOs. I am honored to be named as...

    Top 100 CEOs. I am honored to be named as United States’ top 100 CEOs in the marketplace space alongside the CEO of Cameo by Beststartup. This shows how far we have gone. Together, we have built a great product that solves real issues. We are having an impact and people are noticing. I would like to thank each of our community members for contributing to GenesisAI. Thank you for joining us in our mission to bring AI to everyone in the world.

    Check the article here:

    PS: we are adding more and more investors. Join us today

    We shall prevail!

  • Sep 12, 2022
  • Sep 8, 2022
    AI use case survey. One of the biggest...

    AI use case survey. One of the biggest strengths of GenesisAI has been its community. We have over 4,000 investors and 1000s of followers. Today, I would like to ask our community members to participate in a survey that will help us to discover new ideas and grow faster. As an AI company, we have been building infrastructure for AI suppliers to deploy their AI tools on our platform. In addition, we have developed a few very interesting AI tools that our customers enjoy. The survey will ask you about AI use case that you think makes sense (e.g computer vision for self-driving cars).

    Complete the survey here:

    PS: Invest in GenesisAI! AI revolution is here:

  • Sep 6, 2022
    Podcast on Youtube. I had the pleasure to speak...

    Podcast on Youtube. I had the pleasure to speak with the Writeforme about GenesisAI and the future of AI in the podcast. If you would like to hear some updates and thoughts about where the AI market is heading tune in.

    Check the video here:

    PS: if you believe in what we do and are interested to invest visit here:

    PPS: the image here was generated by AI

    We will win!

  • Aug 30, 2022
    Last week's webinar recording is available. On...

    Last week’s webinar recording is available. On August 24th, we conducted an investor webinar. We had around 100 people attending. The webinar was hosted by Netcapital. We provided exciting announcements and answered many of the most commonly asked questions.

    Check the video here:

    PS: if you believe in what we do and are interested to invest visit here:

    We shall prevail!

  • Aug 26, 2022
    A major tech milestone has been achieved. We...

    A major tech milestone has been achieved. We have deployed a major part of the technology that allows anyone in the world to deploy their AI API on the GenesisAI marketplace. An important part of AI API is pricing. We have completed the main feature of allowing suppliers to specify various pricing and usage tiers for their AI API. They can self-deploy the pricing, fully automatically, without any manual involvement from our side. In this video: GenesisAI Senior Software Engineer presents how this works in real-time. We provide flexibility yet simplicity for developers to specify their AI API’s pricing on our platform so that they start monetizing their AI tool today.

    Register today on our platform:

    PS: if you believe in what we do and are interested to invest visit here:

  • Aug 23, 2022
    GenesisAI Webinar will be tomorrow. On August...

    GenesisAI Webinar will be tomorrow. On August 24th at 4 pm ET we will be doing an investor webinar. The webinar will be hosted by Netcapital. We will provide exciting announcements and answer some of the most commonly asked questions. Attendees will be able to ask questions at the end of the webinar. We have over 220 people registered already!

    Register today:

    PS: if you believe in what we do and are interested to invest visit here:

  • Aug 17, 2022
    GenesisAI Webinar invitation. Next week, on...

    GenesisAI Webinar invitation. Next week, on August 24th we will be doing an investor webinar at 4 pm ET! We would like to invite our existing and prospective investors to tune in, learn more about the future of AI, hear some important announcements from GenesisAI team and ask questions. The webinar will be hosted by Netcapital.

    Register today:

    PS: if you believe in what we do and are interested to invest visit here:

  • Aug 15, 2022
    Major fundraising announcement. GenesisAI's...

    Major fundraising announcement. GenesisAI’s ongoing Series A raise on Netcapital received 100% on Crowdlustro:

    Crowdlustro is a premier online investment marketplace and probably one of the biggest names in the crowdfunding industry. This provides a great way for our existing and prospective investors to know what other people think about GenesisAI.

    PS: if you believe in what we do and are interested to invest visit here:

  • Aug 11, 2022
    Major tech announcement. GenesisAI's AI API hub...

    Major tech announcement. GenesisAI’s AI API hub allows developers to monetize their AI API by deploying their API on the GenesisAI AI marketplace. We bring users whilst engineers bring technology! In this video:, GenesisAI Senior Software Engineer walks through how to add a payment account so that you get paid when people subscribe. We have integrated GenesisAI with Stripe’s payment infrastructure. Stripe is a leading provider of payment technology.

    Join the AI revolution by investing! The future…

  • Aug 9, 2022
    Based on popular demand, we are having a...

    Based on popular demand, we are having a minimum investment of $119 in our Series A fundraising. Starting from this Thursday, the minimum investment will go up to $246.5 so that we can better cover the logistical and operational expenses that come with managing each investment. We would like to give everyone an opportunity to invest at a minimum investment of $119 until Thursday. Hope you will join us in building the future of AI!

    We have raised over $150k in this round in around 3 weeks and over $5M since inception. We have a few major partnerships in the pipeline and I am excited to talk more about them in the upcoming weeks.

    To invest:

    Invest now
  • Aug 4, 2022
    More tech announcement! Our engineering team...

    More tech announcement! Our engineering team has done an incredible job at building core features in our marketplace. Today, I would like to present a technology that allows AI suppliers to add pricing and documentation to the API that they are deploying. This is a fully automated process that enables engineers to add pricing and documentation without any manual involvement from GenesisAI. Artiom Bell, GenesisAI Senior Software Engineer walks through how to add pricing and documentation info to the AI API that you (AI supplier) are deploying on the GenesisAI AI marketplace. Each API has 4 sections: demo, documentation, pricing, and install and run. Check the video here:

    PS to sign up visit:

    PPS to invest:

  • Aug 3, 2022
  • Jul 27, 2022
    Our tech is getting better day by day. I am...

    Our tech is getting better day by day. I am thrilled to announce the achievement of this major milestone! We completed a technology that allows AI developers and companies to deploy their AI model on our platform by themselves! It is an automated process that will allow us to scale much faster than previously possible and save time for our engineers! With this milestone achieved, anyone will be able to deploy their AI tool on our platform and then start monetizing it from day one! We achieved a big part of our vision - AI for all! Here is a 5-minute demo:

    Do you believe AI is the future? If yes, support us by investing:

    The future is ours!

    Cheers, Archil

  • Jul 25, 2022
    Our funding campaign is off to a great start....

    Our funding campaign is off to a great start. We have raised around $100k in ~7 days since launching. I would like to welcome 52 new investors to GenesisAI family. I strongly believe that the more stakeholders we have stronger we are. I would like to also thank lots of our existing investors for reinvesting in GenesisAI and for continuing to believe in what we do. We are on track to accomplishing some of our major milestones. We are adding users and substantially improving our technology. Our goal is to build a product so good that it basically sells itself (through word of mouth).

    AI revolution is here! Invest today:

    Cheers, Archie Cheishvili

    PS: sign up on the GenesisAI platform to use powerful AIs:

  • Jul 20, 2022
    Want to know what other people think about...

    Want to know what other people think about GenesisAI? Check out Tik Tok video about us here: The video was created by Synthesia which is a premier AI company.

    The video provides probably one of the best 30-second summaries about how we are aiming to disrupt the AI market.

    We launched our fundraising round on Netcapital last Thursday and already raised over $80k from 38 new investors! I would like to thank everyone who has joined us in this round. AI revolution is here! Invest today:

    Cheers, Archie Cheishvili

    PS: check out GenesisAI’s own Tik Tok page. Over 20 videos:

    Invest now
  • Jul 19, 2022
  • Jul 14, 2022
    I am thrilled to announce our next round of...

    I am thrilled to announce our next round of funding! We got lots of requests to raise the Reg CF round on Netcapital with a low minimum! You have been heard! I am excited to launch TODAY our next funding round on Netcapital with a minimum investment of $119

    One of the reasons we are launching our next round of funding is to develop an AI tool to fight CLIMATE CHANGE by fostering solar panel sales! We are working on developing an AI solution that will help potential customers accurately determine whether it makes sense for them to install solar panels. We plan to use aerial images from Google Earth to understand how much power a house can generate taking into account the size, shades of surroundings, and the roof pitch.

    In the last few months, we have made great progress ranging from generating revenue to adding 100s of users to our platform. Now is the time to accelerate the progress even more.

    Join us in building the future of AI! Invest:

    Invest now
  • Jul 12, 2022
    Primary offering of 716,464 shares at $4.25
  • Jul 8, 2022
  • Jul 8, 2022
  • Jul 4, 2022
    Happy 4th, everyone! July 4th is arguably the...

    Happy 4th, everyone!

    July 4th is arguably the biggest day of the year for communities to gather. I am grateful for the contributions that each of our GenesisAI community members made to our GenesisAI community. Together we are stronger! We are united on a mission to bring AI to the masses. AI for the people and by the people!

    Victory only! Archil, CEO GenesisAI


    If you want to use the power of AI sign up on our platform:

  • Jun 27, 2022
    The wait has been too long! GenesisAI is...

    The wait has been too long! GenesisAI is finally on TikTok! Check out the GenesisAI page for fun, inspirational, and informative videos about startups and AI! We will be posting on TikTok a few times a week! The future of digital media is video (and VR of course); so, I am happy that we will provide video content!


    If you want to use the power of AI sign up on our platform:

  • May 30, 2022
    1 day left to invest in GenesisAI on Dealmaker....

    1 day left to invest in GenesisAI on Dealmaker. If you have started your investment and have not completed it yet complete it by May 31st, 2022. From June 1st we will be moving to Dalmore Direct.

    In the last 12 months we have made incredible progress:

    • We started generating revenue in 2022

    • We hired software engineers from Google, Amazon, and Salesforce!

    • We achieved a major milestone of having 1,600+ users

    • We’re in a good position to disrupt the $210 billion AI market

    • We publicly launched our product


    If you want to use the power of AI sign up on our platform:


  • May 27, 2022
    I am glad to announce that the conference that...

    I am glad to announce that the conference that GenesisAI co-organized with Destiny Robotics and Air AI was an absolute success. We brought leading voices in AI from IBM, the University of Miami, and more. Most importantly we had GenesisAI investors at the conference! I would like to thank everyone who has attended.

    I believe the conference will be a great commercial success as well as many companies expressed an interest to use our AI tools or deploy their AI tools on our platform.

    Stay tuned for the next conference,


    To help us organize more conferences to boost revenue, invest here: GenesisAI on Dealmaker is closing on May 31st!


  • May 25, 2022
    Last chance to invest in GenesisAI via...

    Last chance to invest in GenesisAI via Dealmaker. GenesisAI on dealmaker will be closing on May 31st. In several days you will not be able to invest anymore via Dealmaker. Starting from June 1st, 2022 we will be moving away to Dalmore Direct for the investment checkout flow as we believe that Dalmore Direct is going to simplify the checkout process.

    Invest today. Last chance:

    Archil Cheishvili Disclaimer:

  • May 23, 2022
    Dear GenesisAI community, 7 days left to...

    Dear GenesisAI community,

    7 days left to invest in GenesisAI via Dealmaker. If you have already started the investment process and have not completed the investment, this is going to be the last chance to invest through Dealmaker (our investment check-out process provider) on our website. Starting from June 1st, 2022 we will be moving away to Dalmore Direct for the investment checkout flow as we believe that Dalmore Direct is going to simplify the checkout process.

    Invest today before we close the opportunity:

    Archil Cheishvili

    Co-founder, GenesisAI​


  • May 19, 2022
    Today is one of the most important days in...

    Today is one of the most important days in GenesisAI history. We launched the platform and have made some big announcements! Here is a recording to check out:

    We had over 500 people registered for the event. Upvote us on Product Hunt this will help us to get even more traction.

    Archil Cheishvili CEO, GenesisAI Disclaimer:

  • May 18, 2022
    We have around 400 people registered for our...

    We have around 400 people registered for our product launch event! Join us on May 19th, at 12 pm ET! This is a big day for all of us as we will be launching what we have been building for the last couple of years. This is going to help us to increase revenue and numbers of users. Our team members will be presenting major developments.

    Register Today! Registering in advance is required. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Launch Event:

    Archil Cheishvili

    CEO, GenesisAI


  • May 16, 2022
    I am glad to announce that we have around 300...

    I am glad to announce that we have around 300 people registered for our product launch event. Join us on May 19th, at 12 pm ET! This is a big day for all of us as we will be launching what we have been building for the last couple of years. This is going to help us to increase revenue and numbers of users. Hope you will join us.

    Register Today! Registering in advance is required. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Launch Event.

    Archil Cheishvili

    CEO, GenesisAI


  • May 12, 2022
    Hello GenesisAI community, Archil, CEO of...

    Hello GenesisAI community,

    Archil, CEO of GenesisAI here. I had the pleasure to give a keynote speech at the premier conference in Silicon Valley: Globalize Silicon Valley Conference. I spoke about how to lay the foundation for Artificial General Intelligence. The conference was attended by numerous VCs and software engineers from Google, Uber, and so on. This was a great way to way to meet investors and potential new hires:

    Moving forward, GenesisAI is holding a platform Launch event on May 19th at 12 pm ET. We are going to have incredible announcements. If you have not registered already register here:

    See you at the launch event,


  • May 10, 2022
    Join us on May 19th, at 12 pm ET! We will be...

    Join us on May 19th, at 12 pm ET! We will be launching the GenesisAI AI marketplace. We will showcase the product, discuss milestones we have achieved and chat about what the future holds. Investors, users, and team members will be joining to present and ask questions.

    Register Today! We have major announcements lined up! Registering in advance is required. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Launch Event.

  • May 5, 2022
    Have you ever wondered how your grandparents...

    Have you ever wondered how your grandparents looked when they were very young? With the power of AI we can restore old low quality images and produce much higher resolution images:

    To sign up:

  • May 3, 2022
    We deployed a technology that allows anyone in...

    We deployed a technology that allows anyone in the world to discover the truth - whether the video is fake or not. Check out the live demo here:

    To sign up to use the DeepFake detector go here:

  • Apr 29, 2022
    Around a year ago we used to have around 6 AI...

    Around a year ago we used to have around 6 AI tools on our platform. Now we have around 6 times more! Our engineers did an incredible job of building infrastructure for AI developers to deploy their tools on our platform. They also did a fabulous job on deploying next-generation AI models by themselves - feeding the marketplace with A+ models. We are stronger than ever. With 35+ models we expanded the usability and scope of our platform and expect this to drive substantial growth in users and revenue. Moving forward we plan to deploy at least 10 models in the next few months. Exciting times ahead! For the full post visit: Disclaimer:

  • Apr 25, 2022
    Hello GenesisAI community, It is my great...

    Hello GenesisAI community,

    It is my great pleasure to invite you to AI2027, the premier AI conference organized by GenesisAI. The event will take place on 24-25 May, 2022 at the Hyatt Regency in Miami.

    We are organizing an AI conference to bring leading voices in AI together in downtown Miami. We have over 30 speakers confirmed including the Machine Learning lead at Verizon and Global Strategy and Operations Leader at AI research at IBM. Attend the event to meet world-class speakers + GenesisAI community members - founders, employees, and investors.

    To register go to:

    I look forward to welcoming you to the AI2027 conference.


    Archil CEO, GenesisAI

  • Apr 22, 2022
    New hire! Former Software Engineer from Google!...

    New hire! Former Software Engineer from Google! I am thrilled to announce that Levan Varamashvili joined us as a Software Engineer. Levan was at Google for 7 years; he brings immense experience in software engineering and therefore is an ideal candidate in helping us to build the future of AI! Before Google, Levan worked at VMware - a pioneer in computer networking. With the addition of Levan, we are as strong as we have ever been! Levan will be working on developing the backbone of the GenesisAI platform.

    We are moving forward and moving fast! To view the full post visit:

    Cheers, Archil


  • Apr 7, 2022
    Hello Friends, We got featured at Insidebigdata...

    Hello Friends, We got featured at Insidebigdata - a premier news website focused on AI & Deep Learning. In this article, Insidebigdata mentions how GenesisAI is solving the problem of AI models operating in the closed environment - “ There is no channel for information sharing between AI products. The lack of such data impedes the ability and scope to learn from one another and improve the existing technology. Fortunately, GenesisAI is a web platform that enables different AIs to communicate with each other, exchange data, and trade services. Furthermore, it aims to help the entire AI industry overcome obstacles and make AI accessible and affordable for all.” The biggest holdback of AI innovation is that AI tools operate in silos. We believe that whoever solves this problem will speed up AI innovation by multifold. Our goal is to be the company which does this. Interested in joining the AI uprising? check the full post here: Cheers, Archil Disclaimer:

  • Mar 28, 2022
    GenesisAI got recognized as one of the most...

    GenesisAI got recognized as one of the most innovative Machine Learning companies in Boston. We got recognized as one of the most innovative Machine Learning companies in Boston along with companies like DataRobot which has a valuation of $1B+! Futurology tried to pick companies across the size spectrum from cutting-edge startups to established brands - They selected us for exceptional performance in one of these categories: Innovation Innovative ideas Innovative route to market Innovative product Growth Exceptional growth Exceptional growth strategy Management Societal impact
    We are honored to be part of the list and we believe in our ability to continue innovating in the AI space! To see the full post visit here: Cheers, Archil Disclaimer

  • Mar 24, 2022
    Here is GenesisAI CEO’s article published on...

    Here is GenesisAI CEO’s article published on Entrepreneur - This gives us great exposure as Entrepreneur is one of the largest news companies. In the article, Archil talks about what everyone should know about AI’s impending power. Here is a sneak peek: “Superior machines will improve themselves without our involvement” For the full announcement check here: Disclaimer:

  • Mar 21, 2022
    GenesisAI featured at a top startup growth blog...

    GenesisAI featured at a top startup growth blog York IE! We are getting more and more exposure every day. York IE featured us!
    Check it out here - York IE is ranked #23 on Feedspot’s Top Startup Blogs and gets thousands of page views a month from entrepreneurs, operators and investors.CEO of GenesisAI is asked questions about why he started GenesisAI with his Co-founders and why the problem GenesisAI is solving is important! Also, there are personal questions asked for example which entrepreneur Archil admires …

    To check the rest of the update visit here: Communication disclaimer:

  • Mar 18, 2022
    Hello GenesisAI community, We have some...

    Hello GenesisAI community,

    We have some exciting updates! For an update visit here and here

    We’ve made excellent progress!

    • We started generating revenue in 2022!
    • We hired software engineers from Google, Amazon, and Salesforce!
    • We hired over 10 new employees.
    • We’ve now assembled a world-class team of 15 people with a proven track record of execution and success … to check the rest of the update visit here

    Sincerely, Archil CEO, GenesisAI Disclaimer:

  • Feb 21, 2022
    Check out the article by CEO of GenesisAI on...

    Check out the article by CEO of GenesisAI on the front page of the VentureBeat. CEO of GenesisAI, Archil talks about how to pave the way for hyperautomation for businesses. VentureBeat is one of the largest news companies with (around 12 million monthly page views)! It is great to see Archil’s thought leadership at prominent news companies.

  • Feb 8, 2022
    Hello everyone, it is my great pleasure to...

    Hello everyone, it is my great pleasure to invite you to AI2027, one of the World’s Leading AI Summits which will take place on 24-25 May 2022 at the Hyatt Regency in Miami.

    AI2027 Miami seeks to establish itself over the next years as a key event regarding artificial intelligence and its development prospects. The CEOs of funded AI startups with commercial use activities will participate in the Forum, along with venture capital firms, publicly traded companies, big tech, senior executives of international organizations, and leading experts.

    To register go here -

    I look forward to welcoming you to the AI2027 international forum 2022.

  • Jan 10, 2022
    We are going to use Discord as a communication...

    We are going to use Discord as a communication channel. GenesisAI community communication will take place there. If you will have any questions please post them there and I will promptly respond there. For people, who do not know what is Discord, it is an instant messaging platform. Users communicate with voice calls, video calls, and text messaging. Here is an invitation link to join our channel!

  • Dec 23, 2021
    GenesisAI team wishes you a Joyful Christmas...

    GenesisAI team wishes you a Joyful Christmas and a bright New Year. Let this year bring incredible success, happiness, and lots of opportunities. We are grateful to have your support in building GenesisAI! Together we are stronger! We believe that 2022 will be a transformational year for all of our stakeholders! We hope 2022 will be a year of victory!

    We wish you a lovely holiday season

  • Dec 15, 2021
    New Team member & Article in Entrepreneur!...

    New Team member & Article in Entrepreneur!

    Hello GenesisAI community,

    I hope everyone is excited for Christmas and New Year’s day. GenesisAI has made an incredible progress in this quarter.

    We have a new hire! Artiom Bell joined us as Software Engineer. He worked at Salesforce for 5 years as a Software Engineer and previously was a Software Engineer at American Express. He has B.S in Computer Science. With Artiom’s help we will get closer to achieving our vision of AI for all!

    Check out Archil’s article in Entrepreneur- How Artificial Intelligence Will Shape Our Future. Archil talks about How AI will shape every aspect of our daily lives.

    We will win!

  • Nov 17, 2021
    Big product update! New Demo Video We have made...

    Big product update! New Demo Video We have made incredible progress with the product. Now we have over 30 AI tools on our platform! We also enhanced the product in many ways - added major features that allow people to discover, test, and integrate different AI tools.

    The biggest product enhancement is that now people can integrate AI (AI API) by copy-pasting a simple code in their coding environment. If you are a developer, I highly encourage you to sign up and start using our marketplace!

    If you are not a developer here is a quick video to check out the progress we have made. It would probably have taken me 10 min to put all the major developments in the update; so, I tried to make it very direct to the point. Join our marketplace today to use the power of AI for conducting market research, advertising, customer service, and much more!

  • Oct 27, 2021
    Hello GenesisAI community, GenesisAI is moving...

    Hello GenesisAI community,

    GenesisAI is moving forward and moving fast! We have exciting developments on all fronts including product, users, and business development.

    I would like to inform our community of our stock split and explain how it works. We issued a forward 10 to 1 stock split as a result number of shares that each investor holds went up by ten but price per share went down by 10. We believe this decision will improve potential liquidity for GenesisAI shares in the future (if there will be any liquidity).

    Here is summary of how stock splits work from Investopedia - Another way to view stock splits is to consider a dollar bill in your pocket – its value is obviously $1. Of course, if you were to “split” the dollar bill into 10 dimes, the value of the money in your pocket is still $1 – it’s just in 10 pieces instead of one. Thus, when one of your stocks splits 10-1 there is no increase in the value of your position or the earning power of your shares, since your percentage stake in the company remains exactly the same.

    Now moving forward to the next update. CEO of GenesisAI got featured at Forbes as one of the 16 Tech leaders speaking about the best ways of roadmapping! Here is an article and Archil’s quote:

    “Define The Objective And The Necessary Outcomes

    A practical way to do the roadmapping is to start from the top and define an overarching objective. Then, define the most important outcomes—the outcomes which, if met, will guarantee that the top objective has also been achieved. Go further and start breaking down the actions that need to be taken to reach the important outcomes you’ve defined. Finally, continue the process until basic actions emerge that don’t have any dependencies. - Archil Cheishvili, GenesisAI”

    If you would like to receive updates on your email. Please fill out this form -

    We will win!


  • Oct 20, 2021
    I am thrilled to announce that GenesisAI got...

    I am thrilled to announce that GenesisAI got accepted at NVIDIA Inception, the premier accelerator for AI and data science startups.

    About the Accelerator:

    Nvidia Inception is a leading accelerator for premier AI startups. They provide critical go-to-market support, expertise, and technology. NVIDIA Inception supports startups through their entire life cycle.

    It is incredible to get support from one of the accelerators backed by one of the best technology firms in the world with a market cap above $500B!

    We will win!


  • Jul 17, 2021
    Primary offering finalized, selling 232,726 shares
    Sold 232,726 shares at $11.06 for a total of $2,573,949.56
    See offering
  • Jul 16, 2021
    GenesisAI CEO featured in FORBES! The current...

    GenesisAI CEO featured in FORBES! The current round Closing in 12 hours! My article about the future of Artificial General Intelligence got published in Forbes! Check out the article here: I am discussing the state of AGI and make predictions about what the future holds!

    Our current round is closing in 12 hours! Last chance to invest!

  • Jul 15, 2021
    Last chance to join the AI movement! Closing in...

    Last chance to join the AI movement! Closing in ~24 hours! Let’s change the world together! Over $3M raised from around 2,400 investors! We will be closing the round around midnight (1 am ET Saturday, July 17th).

  • Jul 13, 2021
    Featured on Kalkine TV! Had a great interview...

    Featured on Kalkine TV! Had a great interview with Kalkine TV! Discussing why we are building GenesisAI, how AI is transforming our lives and why we think we will win! Recording here:

    4 days remaining to invest in GenesisAI!

  • Jul 12, 2021
    Our current round closing in 5 days on July...

    Our current round closing in 5 days on July 17th! It has been an incredible journey! I am thrilled to welcome over 2000 new investors who invested around $2.9M. We will be closing the campaign on July 17th! Join us TODAY! Last chance to invest before we close the round!

  • Jul 7, 2021
    Tech Announcement! GenesisAI adds a translation...

    Tech Announcement! GenesisAI adds a translation model!

    Our tech is getting better day by day. We have been increasing the number of models on our platform! I am glad to announce the addition of the translation model!

    Technical specifications:

    The model that we chose - M2M-100 (Facebook AI), is the first multilingual machine translation (MMT) model that can translate between any pair of 100 languages without relying on English data.

    There are very few models that support multilingual translation. The best one that we could find, whilst researching, was M2M-100, which enables direct translation among 100 languages.

    There are lots of English language-centric translation models. Let’s say we want to translate french into mandarin. It will translate french into English and then English into mandarin. M2M-100 model is different as it translates text directly (e.g french to mandarin). Research shows that M2M-100 is around 10 points more accurate than English language-centric translation models.

    How does the translation model fit into our marketplace?

    Currently, we are focused on building AI-powered tools for the asset management space, specifically for retail investors who are interested to get research for investing and trading purposes. Many of our users analyze foreign equities. Many times there is useful information about foreign equity in a language that a person might not know. This is where our translation model comes in! The model will help an investor to translate relevant information and then apply some of our other tools: sentiment analysis, text summarizer, etc. Our goal is to become the biggest provider of AI tools for retail investors!

    Please register on our platform here. Click sign up on the top right corner.

    Invest in GenesisAI Today!

  • Jul 4, 2021
    Over $2M raised! Few days remaining to join the...

    Over $2M raised! Few days remaining to join the AI revolution by investing in GenesisAI! I would like to welcome our new investors and celebrate this success together! We have been overwhelmed with investor interest! More community members we have stronger we are! Forward and upwards!

    Invest in GenesisAI!

  • Jul 1, 2021
    The average number of new monthly registrations...

    The average number of new monthly registrations on our platform is up by ~19x since January! The campaign is Closing soon! We have incredible growth! Proud and humbled by what we have achieved Together. Incredible demand growth.

    Victories only! We are going to win very big.

    Invest Today! The campaign is closing soon.

    Learn more
  • Jun 28, 2021
    Our technology is getting better a day by day....

    Our technology is getting better a day by day. I would like to announce the addition of the text summarizer model on our platform. After talking to users, we made a decision to add one of the most demanded models on our platform. Check it and start using it here:

    The text summarizer model accepts text as an input and outputs a summary of the inputted text. The model is fine-tuned on novel financial news data, which consisted of 2K articles from Bloomberg, on topics such as stock, markets, currencies, rates, and cryptocurrencies.

    It is based on the PEGASUS model and is fine-tuned on the Extreme Summarization (XSum) dataset.

    We are getting stronger every day! The sun will shine upon us!

    Invest in GenesisAI!

  • Jun 21, 2021
    Breaking $1M raised benchmark for the current...

    Breaking $1M raised benchmark for the current round! We are moving forward and moving fast! I would like to welcome our new investors to the GenesisAI community and thank them for their support! Together we are stronger! Together we have even better chances of realizing the dream of shared AI for all!

    To join our fight against AI oligopolies invest Today!

    We will win and we will win big!

  • Jun 17, 2021
    Dear GenesisAI community, I am glad to have...

    Dear GenesisAI community,

    I am glad to have lots of good news for the GenesisAI community. We are getting more and more exposure every day. Newshunt featured us here: The article is about how AI is making the world a better place. GenesisAI is mentioned as an AI company that makes Artificial Intelligence technology more efficient and affordable for businesses.

    When GenesisAI makes a progress all of us win! Each step forward enables us to get closer to achieving our dreams and vision!

    We are approaching the $1M raised mark on Netcapital! At ~$817k now! Join the AI uprising!

  • Jun 11, 2021
    New video! Why we are building GenesisAI! In...

    New video! Why we are building GenesisAI! In this video, you will see what is our vision and why we are working hard (and smart!) on GenesisAI! We will win in our fight against big tech oligopolies! AI for all! Subscribe to our youtube channel! Invest in US Today!

  • Jun 7, 2021
    We got recognized as one of the top 3 AI...

    We got recognized as one of the top 3 AI marketplaces with Amazon’s AWS and SingularityNet! We believe we will win based on our technical approach. The market of AI products and services is enormous and the winner will likely take it all because of the nature of marketplaces. The big opportunity lies ahead. The future is ours!

    Here is an article link:

    Video review:

    Please note that some information in the article and video about us is outdated.

    Invest in GenesisAI before we sell out!

  • Jun 3, 2021
    Dear GenesisAI community We launched our...

    Dear GenesisAI community

    We launched our offering in April and are continuing to beat benchmarks! We already have over $600k raised! I would like to welcome our new investors and thank them for their support! Invest in GenesisAI today! Every day we are getting stronger and stronger. More investors = stronger company. We are getting closer to our vision of allowing anyone in the world to be able to buy or sell AI products and services.

    We will triumph! Invest in GenesisAI today! Cheers, Archil

  • May 31, 2021
    Partnership Announcement! AEIDC & GenesisAI!...

    Partnership Announcement! AEIDC & GenesisAI! Some of the goals of the cooperation partnership are as follows:

    • Carrying out research on the effectiveness in supporting the creation and innovation of specific A.I. technology and/or technologies — as well as technological transfers.
    • Designing organizational structures to support innovation, and technology transfers.
    • Develop Joint Programs to benefit Innovation, Technology Transfer(s), and Economic Development, as well as the Democratization of Artificial Intelligence.

    The Artificial Intelligence Economic Development Corporation (AIEDC), is an A.I. as a Service. Provider with a 5G - Cloud Mobile App Maker that will use Machine Learning to help small and midsize businesses create their own (IOS & Android) Mobile Apps with No-Code or Low-Code.

    We are excited about what this cooperation can bring!

    Invest in GenesisAI TODAY! ~$650K raised already!

  • Apr 30, 2021
    Daily Finance nominated GenesisAI as a top...

    Daily Finance nominated GenesisAI as a top asset management company!

    We were nominated as a Top Asset Management Company in America by Daily Finance. GenesisAI was nominated with other companies like Morgan Stanley and Blackrock!

    We are honored for the nomination! The future has never been brighter! Daily finance picked companies across the size spectrum from cutting-edge startups to established brands. They selected startups and companies for exceptional performance.

    Here is an article link:

    Invest in GenesisAI TODAY

  • Apr 28, 2021
    GenesisAI presenting at 2021 Harvard University...

    GenesisAI presenting at 2021 Harvard University alumni session! I had the pleasure to pitch at the event organized by Plug and Play Ventures - premier VC fund. Plug and Play Ventures is one of the most active investors (prev. invested in Dropbox, Paypal, etc). Over 100 Harvard alumni, VCs & selected corporate partners attended the event provided both investment and BD opportunities. After the pitch, GenesisAI got lots of inbound requests from VCs! Here is a video:

    Invest in GenesisAI Today! Join the AI uprising!

  • Apr 25, 2021
    Over $400k raised in ~ 2 weeks! GenesisAI is...

    Over $400k raised in ~ 2 weeks! GenesisAI is breaking records! Again. We got an overwhelming investor interest and raised over $400k fast! We are very grateful for all of our investors’ support and I would like to welcome 427 new investors!

    The future is ours!

    Invest in GenesisAI TODAY!

  • Apr 19, 2021
    GenesisAI's CEO speaking at Investor Connect...

    GenesisAI’s CEO speaking at Investor Connect Podcast! had the pleasure to speak at Investor Connect Podcast! I advised entrepreneurs in the AI sector and shared how I see the industry evolving. Listen to my episode here:

    Invest in GenesisAI! The future has never been brighter!

  • Apr 12, 2021
    GenesisAI is proud to announce that Ekoios has...

    GenesisAI is proud to announce that Ekoios has just joined the marketplace as a new partner and became a part of a greater movement toward shared AI. Ekoios is a premier technology company that provides Machine Learning and other software engineering solutions for companies. They have offices in 3 countries and have worked with Fortune 500 companies! Ekoios management team has over 20 years of experience in Information Technologies.

    Ekoios services a variety of industries ranging from finance to healthcare.

    GenesisAI is focused on working towards creating a global network of AIs by taking power away from the big tech players and putting it in the hands of partners and buyers alike.

    To learn more about partnership visit

  • Apr 8, 2021
    GenesisAI raises $1.3M+! Opening a new round to...

    GenesisAI raises $1.3M+! Opening a new round to let investors on the waitlist in! We have raised $1.3M+ from around 1000 investors! Now, GenesisAI is stronger! We are closer to achieving our vision! Our previous round was completely oversubscribed. We had 100s of people on the waitlist. Today we are launching a NEW ROUND to allow everyone to participate!

    Help us fight against big tech oligopolies! Invest in GenesisAI!

  • Apr 7, 2021
    Primary offering of 343,581 shares at $11.06
  • Mar 23, 2021
    Primary offering finalized, selling 422,532 shares
    Sold 422,532 shares at $3.11 for a total of $1,314,074.52
    See offering
  • Dec 29, 2020
    Watch the recording of the webinar about AI and...

    Watch the recording of the webinar about AI and Robotics!

    I would like to thank many of you who attended our webinar. For those who could not, here is a recording: In the webinar, we discuss how AI and Robotics are being integrated, how GenesisAI is building safeguards to make sure that Artificial General Intelligence will be benevolent if and when it arises and how AI has created millions of jobs already!

    Join the AI revolution by investing in GenesisAI TODAY!

    Watch NOW
  • Dec 25, 2020
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous...

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2021

    Dear GenesisAI community,

    May this Christmas end the present year on a cheerful note. May the New Year bring prosperity, happiness, and many new opportunities!

    Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a successful 2021!

    We will win!

    Invest in GenesisAI before the year ends!


  • Dec 1, 2020
    GenesisAI is proud to announce that SmartClick...

    GenesisAI is proud to announce that SmartClick has just joined the marketplace as a new partner and became a part of a greater movement toward shared AI. SmartClick is a premier AI company that provides Machine Learning solutions for enterprises. They efficiently combine in-depth industry knowledge & data-driven solutions to bring excellence & enhanced business value.

    Invest in GenesisAI TODAY!

    To learn more about partnership visit

  • Nov 23, 2020
    Presented at a premier venture conference -...

    Presented at a premier venture conference - Venture 135!

    I had the pleasure to present at the virtual Venture 135 conference. The venture conference focused on quality deal flow and innovation in the fintech, insurtech and healthtech ecosystems.

    Here is a video:

    GenesisAI was one of the few companies being invited to present! The conference was attended by many institutional investors! Got a great interest! Stay tuned!

    Buy shares Now! AI is the future.

  • Nov 17, 2020
    Over $1.1M raised! We are moving forward and...

    Over $1.1M raised! We are moving forward and moving fast!

    I would like to welcome our new investors to the GenesisAI community and thank them for their support!

    Together we are stronger! Together we have even better chances of realizing the dream of shared AI for all!

    To join our fight against AI oligopolies invest here:

  • Nov 11, 2020
    I am thrilled to announce that the premier AI...

    I am thrilled to announce that the premier AI and data company - DataCrux has joined our platform as a supplier! We believe that they will add a huge value to our platform! DataCrux provides relevant AI tools/technology for businesses to be successful in the age of Data and AI. Invest in GenesisAI!

  • Nov 7, 2020
    Watch the recording of the webinar about AI and...

    Watch the recording of the webinar about AI and Drones:

    In the webinar, we discussed how AI and drones are being integrated, and how AI has created millions of jobs already!

    Join the AI revolution by investing in GenesisAI:

  • Nov 2, 2020
    GenesisAI featured in AE! I am glad to have...

    GenesisAI featured in AE!

    I am glad to have lots of good news for the GenesisAI community. We are getting more and more exposure every day. AE featured us here:

    We discuss the state of AI! Invest Today!

  • Oct 29, 2020
    I would like to congratulate everyone that we...

    I would like to congratulate everyone that we raised over $850k already! This is a big win and a huge milestone. Together we are stronger!

    We need participants to realize the dream of AI for all! We need participants to share AI with everyone! Buy shares Now. AI is the future!

  • Oct 26, 2020
    Netcapital published a blog post about us! AI...

    Netcapital published a blog post about us! AI is having an incredible impact on our lives, and the benefits of this technology should be shared by all! Currently, the benefits mainly accrue to a few large companies. To read more: Invest Now!

  • Oct 20, 2020
    Every day we are becoming stronger and...

    Every day we are becoming stronger and stronger. We are getting closer to achieving our vision of shared AI for all!

    Check out a new short video where I am talking more about GenesisAI and answering investor questions. Invest Today!

  • Oct 9, 2020
    GenesisAI video has over 135,000 views on...

    GenesisAI video has over 135,000 views on Youtube! We are getting great momentum on all fronts. It clearly explains what we do and talks about our vision which is shared AI for all!

    This is just a beginning! Join us!

  • Sep 30, 2020
    We broke the $600k raised mark TODAY! I would...

    We broke the $600k raised mark TODAY! I would like to welcome 600 new investors! This is bringing us closer to the dream of shared AI for all! We continue our fight against big tech AI oligopolies. The benefits of AI should be shared with all. Shared AI for the people and by the people!

    Join GenesisAI!

  • Sep 25, 2020
    GenesisAI Webinar on Youtube! I had a pleasure...

    GenesisAI Webinar on Youtube! I had a pleasure speaking with Rob from Netcapital about our roadmap, problems we are solving, and how we plan to win!

    Webinar link:

    Join our current round! The round is filling up fast! Over $500k raised already!

  • Sep 22, 2020
    GenesisAI featured in InvestorPlace! We have...

    GenesisAI featured in InvestorPlace! We have been getting great exposure and overwhelming interest! Check out article about us at InvestorPlace:

    Join AI revolution!

    Read more
  • Sep 18, 2020
    We are thrilled to announce that the premier AI...

    We are thrilled to announce that the premier AI and data company - Datanautix has joined our platform as a supplier!

    Datanautix aims to bring its expertise in AI specifically in Natural Language Processing (NLP) to help companies make sense of thousands of pages of text data

    Forward only!

  • Sep 15, 2020
    Our round is filling up faster! Average weekly...

    Our round is filling up faster! Average weekly raise up by ~115% in the last 3 weeks. The average amount of funds raised each week has been consistently going up and has more than doubled! We are getting even more momentum!

    Join the Artificial Intelligence revolution!

    The future is here!

  • Sep 11, 2020
    GenesisAI featured in Business Insider and...
  • Sep 7, 2020
    We reached 300 investors! Over $250k committed!...

    We reached 300 investors! Over $250k committed! We have one of the best momentums currently in crowdfunding! I would like to thank every one of you for participation! We will win!

  • Sep 3, 2020
    GenesisAI is proud to announce that RebootAI...

    GenesisAI is proud to announce that RebootAI has just joined the marketplace as a new partner! RebootAI will bring its expertise in AI to help companies make sense of which of their problems can be solved by using AI.

    To learn more visit:

    Join us!

  • Aug 16, 2020
    Hello GenesisAI community! In a short time...

    Hello GenesisAI community!

    In a short time after our public launch, we already raised over $100k from around 100 investors! I would like to thank everyone! Thank you for joining us in building the future of AI! Together we are stronger! The road ahead is bright.

  • Jun 22, 2020
    Primary offering of 803,858 shares at $3.11

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